Sopro VF HF 420 – VarioFlex® High Strength Flexible Tile Adhesive

Extra-rapid-set, early-high-strength, flexible, cementitious floating-bed tile adhesive, meeting C2 EF requirements to DIN EN 12004. Ideal for fast-track or tightly scheduled schemes. For trouble-free laying of dishing/curling-prone resin-bonded tiles, large-format units, cast stone units, earthenware, stoneware and fully vitrified stoneware tiles. For laying dark-coloured, deformation-sensitive natural stone units. Suitable for use in conjunction with floor heating and waterproof membranes. High reliability through full rear-face wetting and contact adhesion plus high crystalline water-binding capacity.

Field Of Application

For dishing-prone resin-bonded tiles 2), cast stone and terrazzo tiles, earthenware, stoneware and fully vitrified stoneware tiles, mosaic, terracotta, discoloration-resistant natural stone units in marble, granite etc. Also suitable as bonding and contact layer in conjunction with thick-bed method, e.g. for rapidset mortars incorporating Sopro Rapidur® B1 turbo binder. In commercial and industrial facilities, hospitals, public buildings, airports, railway stations etc.

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Featured Benefits of SoprVF HF 420 – VarioFlex® High Strength Flexible Tile Adhesive

■ For floors, indoors and outdoors
■ C2: tensile adhesion strength ≥ 1.0 N/mm²
■ E: extended open time ≥ 30 minutes
■ F: early tensile adhesion strength ≥ 0.5 N/mm² after 6 hours
■ Sopro VF HF 420 achieves 0.5 N/mm² after only 90 minutes; 1.0 N/mm² after only 3 hours
■ Working life: 30 – 45 minutes
■ Walkable and groutable: after approx. 2 hours
■ Fully loadable: after approx. 5 hours
■ Low-chromate to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex XVII
■ DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council): Top quality level 4, Line 8 2)

Technical Details Sopro VF HF 420 – VarioFlex® High Strength Flexible Tile Adhesive

Coat Thickness Max. 5 mm in compacted adhesive bed
Mixing Ratio (water only) 5.5 – 6.0 ltr water: 25 kg Sopro VF HF 420
Coverage Approx. 1.4 kg/m² per mm coat thickness
Maturing Time 3-5 minutes
Pot Life 30–45 minutes; stiffened mortar must not be retempered by addition of water or fresh mortar to restore workability.
Open Time Approx. 30 mins
Walkable / Groutable After approx. 2 hours or after setting of adhesive; take measures to spread loads over the floor.
Loading After approx. 5 hours;

In commercial facilities  – After approx. 2 days

In areas subject to high wet exposure – After approx. 3 days

For underwater applications – After approx. 10 days

In conjunction with floor heating – After approx. 14 days

Specified Times Apply for normal temperature range of +23°C and 50% relative humidity; higher temperatures shorten and lower temperatures lengthen these times
Application Temperatue Between +5°C and max. +25°C air and substrate
Tools/ Tool Cleaning Mixing attachment, notched trowel with suitable serration (tooth size up to 12 mm); wash tools with water immediately after use.
Packaging 25kg bag

Available in 25kg bags with 40 bags per pallet.

1) See TKB (German Technical Committee for Construction Adhesives) data sheet 14 “Rapid-hardening cementitious screeds and cementitious screeds with screed admixtures” issued on 11 August 2015 by Industrieverband Klebstoffe e.V. (German Adhesives Industry Association).
2) Based on DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council) criterion “ENV1.2 Local Environmental Impact” (2015 version)

For other adhesives from SMET.  SMET has a wide range of Professional Tiling systems, including, Rapid-set Tile adhesivesHigh-Strength adhesive, Flexible Adhesive, and Large-Format adhesivesprimersand multi-purpose primers, sealers, and tools available for your tiling needs.