Optomix SBR Bond

Optomix SBR is a milky white-coloured Styrene-Butadiene Co-polymer Latex designed for use as a Bonding Aid and a Waterproofing additive with Cement compositions. Optomix SBR is used in concrete repairs, rendering, concrete protection, waterproofing, and tanking. Optomix SBR is used to produce modified mortars that are durable and have a high abrasion resistance. The pure polymers used in Optomix SBR react with cement-based mixes, increasing the compressive, flexural, and bonding strengths of the mix. Using Optomix SBR in the mix also increases the wearing and abrasion resistance of the screed or mortar.

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Benefits of SBR

•Increases the flexural strength of screeds and mortar
•Increases the compressive strength of screeds and mortar
•Increases the abrasion resistance of screeds and mortar
•Excellent adhesion to steel, glass, asphalt
•Suitable for use with drinking water
•Suitable for both positive and negative water pressure
•Enhanced corrosion protection
•Environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and chloride free

Specification Tip for Design Professionals

Optomix SBR may be specified by name or by using the following description: a propriety white coloured Styrene-Butadiene Co-polymer Latex liquid bonding-aid and admixture used to increase the physical and chemical properties of cement-based mortars and concrete.

Field Of Application

Optomix SBR can be mixed with cement as a bonding slurry for screeds, renders and mortars. The improvements allow the production of high-strength-wearing screeds, thin-section screeds, repair mortars and waterproof mortars.

Substrate & Preparation

All surfaces onto which Optomix SBR modified mixes are to be applied should be sound and free from loose particles, dust, clean and free from coatings or any other contaminants which may affect the adhesion of the screeds and mortars. When repairing spalled or damaged concrete, ensure that the concrete is cut back.


Coverage: 3m² per litre – Bonding Coat.
Consumption: 5 litres per 25kg of Cement – Screeds and Mortars.

Mix Instructions

Bonding Coat:

Damp down absorbent surfaces so they are saturated surface dry, using a mix consisting of 2 parts CEM I mixed with 1 part SBR gauging fluid (3 parts Optomix SBR:1 part water) by volume. Mix into a smooth paste. Primer is brushed onto the prepared surface ensuring there is no free-standing water, using a stiff brush or broom. Apply topping whilst the bond coat is still tacky. If allowed to dry then remove the bond coat and re-prime using the same procedure. Coverage of bond coat paste: approx. 3m³ per litre, depending on smoothness and porosity of substrate surface and applied thickness.

Mortars & Screeds:

A standard dose of 20 litres of Optomix SBR per 100kg Portland cement is adequate. For extreme conditions, where improved waterproofing and/or chemical resistance is required then the dosage should be increased to 30 litres of Optomix SBR per 100kg of Portland cement. (With higher dosages, the extra water addition is very low. Therefore, the use of wet aggregates and sand may result in excessive workability.)


SMET has a wide range of flooring ancillary products, such as primers to complement any flooring project.