‘UK homes are not fit for the future.’

‘UK homes are not fit for the future’, states Committee on Climate Change. February 2019.
Part of the Executive Summary:

  1. Retrofitting existing homes. The 29 million existing homes across the UK must be made low-carbon, low-energy and resilient to a changing climate. This is a UK infrastructure priority and should be supported as such by HM Treasury. Homes should use low-carbon sources of heating such as heat pumps and heat networks. The uptake of energy efficiency measures such as loft and wall insulation must be increased.
    At the same time, upgrades or repairs to homes should include increasing the uptake of: passive cooling measures (shading and ventilation); measures to reduce indoor moisture; improved air quality and water efficiency; and, in homes at risk of flooding, the installation of property-level flood protection”.

UK housing: Fit for the future? Full Report

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