SMET recognition upon completion of a 6-week Mindfulness at Work programme
The senior Management team @ SMET are presented with their Certificate of Recognition upon completion of a 6-week Mindfulness at Work programme.
Delivered by AWARE Mindfulness Practitioner, Frank Liddy. The benefits of a Mindfulness at Work Programme:
Employers have a responsibility for the provision a suitable environment for the operation of its process in achieving conformity of products and services. Good practice determines this as not only a provision of physical factors in the workplace which allow the employee to perform but also social and psychological protection, such as stress-reduction and burnout prevention.
The Mindfulness at Work programme enables staff to develop skills and techniques to cope with the daily challenges a busy working life can bring such as stress and anxiety.
The AWARE Mindfulness Programme will reduce stress in the workplace, improve working relationships, improve employee wellbeing, enhance creativity, increase productivity and undoubtedly lower absenteeism. The skills learnt naturally feed into the employees home life.
For more information on Mindfulness visit www.aware-ni.org
The AWARE Mindfulness Programme can be uniquely tailored to meet the needs of any business environment. Directors, CEO’s, Managers and employees from the Private, Public and Voluntary and Community sector have successfully integrated the Mindfulness Programme into their workplace.
Smet Building Products Ltd is delighted, once again, to innovate in its processes by being the first company in its sector to offer the AWARE programme in the workplace.
Frank Liddy, AWARE’s Mindfulness Programme