SMET advertises Professional Render Systems in Northern Builder Sept 14
Render is a uniquely versatile material that can be used to coat virtually any building; creating new buildings, remodelling existing buildings and creating fine façade detailing to any budget. Like any material that must withstand and repel the elements, correct production and application are vital if it is to have longevity.
Professional render solutions from SMET
Render is a uniquely versatile material that can be used to coat virtually any building; creating new buildings, remodelling existing buildings and creating fine façade detailing to any budget. Like any material that must withstand and repel the elements, correct production and application are vital if it is to have longevity.
Essentially all modern renders are a composition of four elements; sand, cement, water and the additives which make the products perform. When combined in the correct quantities, these elements produce excellent rendering results. If the ratios are not combined correctly, the materials will not perform. For instance, too much cement means the render hardens too quickly, or develops too densely; too much lime additive means it will cure too slowly or develops without strength.
Renders from Smet Building Products Ltd are produced in modern batching plants and state-of-the-art factory environments, guaranteeing quality assured raw materials and consistently accurate formulations. Supplied pre-blended to site, the applicator need only add the correct quantity of clean water – producing a render capable of exceeding expectations in application and performance.
All renders adhere to the substrate by a combination of mechanical key and suction. To determine the suitability of a render to a particular substrate or background, a close examination of the density of the substrate is required. All building systems have varying densities, i.e. engineered brick or block have a high density, Poroton blocks have a low density. Choosing the correct render for the different systems is vitally important. From the substrate out to the surface, densities occur from dense to less dense, or from strong to less strong.
Although traditional renders are usually a build-up of several coats to achieve the correct steps in density, protection levels and aesthetic finish; modern manufacturing techniques now enable the production of single coat renders – achieving the same goals in a fraction of the time with consistent results.
Creating stunning durable façades
Render products can be spray applied by machine, speeding up the process dramatically compared to the traditional hand-applied method. Single coat renders, otherwise known as monocouche or monocapa (depending on their European origin), can be ‘through-coloured’ and are available in a range of colours; or lime-cement based – which need a paint or synthetic decorative textured coating. Each render enables the creation of a truly stunning façade finish.
SMET supplies a wide variety of Professional Render Systems designed for all building systems including: traditional concrete block, brick, Poroton building systems, Insulated Concrete Formwork (ICF), timber frame building systems, retrofit, historic restoration and conservation and sustainable builds.
The SMET Professional Render Systems are currently utilised on a wide range of projects across the country. The Lidl façade system of application onto Poroton single leaf block, in a vast number of new store builds, extensions and refurbishments, have been rendered using German made, CASEA Bauprotec 850 M Lightweight Lime Cement Render. Produced to EN 998-1: 2003, renders such as these are machine applied by SMET Supported Partners. The renders used are selected for their special properties, i.e. light weight, low density, low thermal conductivity, high yield and SMET’s superior technical back up in delivering superior façade materials.
Through-coloured, low maintenance, Onexit Universal Render was selected as the façade solution for many new developments, retrofit and refurbishment projects across the nation, such as Delgany Village in Co Wicklow, the Airfield Project in Dundrum, the Aughrim GAA Clubhouse in Wicklow and Our Lady’s Hospital in Crumlin. Smet Supported Partners applied the single coat, high quality, weather resistant render, produced to EN 998-1 2003, by machine application.
Onexit Universal’s Render properties, such as low maintenance, through-coloured, high yield, along with the superior technical support from SMET, were the key drivers in selecting this façade finish.
Pre-mixed NHL Plasters and Renders are becoming increasingly commonplace, allowing traditional materials to be applied with modern application techniques. CE marked CASEA Bauproclac KAP 830 is a factory produced Natural Hydraulic Lime Plaster specially designed for hand and machine application, produced to DIN EN 998-1: 2003. This product is extremely versatile, being suitable for use in external rendering and internal plastering. Spray-applied CASEA Bauprocalc KAP 830 was specially selected as the façade solution for numerous renovation projects, such as the Valhalla Project in Dublin, and many old farm houses and town houses across the nation. The product’s unique properties such as, high water vapour permeability (breathability), sustainability, and the special composition which allows constant hygrometric exchange between the substrate and the environment, were key drivers in the selection of this façade Render System.
Smet Building Products Ltd demonstrates, once again, best practice in supporting Smet Supported Partners through offering a comprehensive range of Professional Render Systems backed up with the expertise of technical advisors. At SMET, the company is site focused, providing customers with industry specialists who will provide training and support as well as demonstrate the Professional Render materials.
FOR MORE INFORMATION ON OUR RENDER SYSTEMS CONTACT: Smet Building Products Ltd | 28 Castleowen | Newry | Co Down | BT34 1GF | T: +44 (0) 28 3082 597 | F: +44 (0) 28 3025 2777 | E:info@smetbuildingproducts.com | www.smetbuildingproducts.com or www.smet.ie