Streetscape® Sopro FH 867 – Paving Grout Cleaning Aid

A high-alkaline liquid in aqueous solution used for the temporary water-repellent treatment of absorbent concrete and natural stone paving units/coverings.  SMET has a comprehensive range of Streetscape® materials.

For impregnation of absorbent concrete and natural stone paving units/coverings to facilitate removal of cementitious and resinous paving grouts.  For indoor and outdoor use. Sopro FH 867 is a high-alkaline, aqueous material used for the temporary water-repellent treatment of absorbent paving units. Treatment with Sopro FH 867 facilitates grouting and subsequent cleaning of the surface.

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Featured Benefits of Streetscape® Sopro FH 867 – Paving Grout Cleaning Aid

•  Facilitates washing down and removal of grouts
•  For brush and spray application
•  Economical in use
•  For walls and floors
•  For indoor and outdoor use

Technical Details for Streetscape® Sopro FH 867 – Paving Grout Cleaning Aid

Colour Clear, colourless
Coverage 5–15 m²/lt
Drying Time Allow at least 2 hours drying time and ensure that Sopro FH 867 has properly dried prior to grouting.
Application Temp Between +5°C and max. +25°C
pH Value Approx. 12
Shelf life Approx. 2 years, subject to storage in original unopened containers; use up opened containers
as promptly as possible.
Packaging 10 ltr canister
5 ltr canister
1 ltr bottle (only available in the box with Nr 4)
Tools and Cleaning Roller, brush, spray equipment; wash tools with water immediately after use.
Please note Due to product-specific properties, non-uniform or overly thick application may result in irreversible
staining and greying of surface.
Protect alkali-sensitive surfaces, e.g. wood, linoleum, glass etc. Immediately wipe off splashed/spattered