Donside Developments, Aberdeen

Streetscape® High Strength Bedding Concrete / Streetscape® Priming Slurry / Streetscape® Rapid Set Jointing Mortar / WM Donald Ltd
Job: Donside Developments, Aberdeen
WM Donald Ltd
Main Contractor: Chap Construction

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SMET supplied Streetscape BS 7533 compliant bedding course, jointing and priming mortars to partners, WM Donald Ltd for the Streetscape of the newly constructed Donside Development in Aberdeen. The Donside development is close to Old Aberdeen, the university and is a prime riverside location.  The Streetscape project comprising of 1,000m2 of natural stone paving enhances the natural beauty of the area.  By providing a high level of customer focus and aftercare in Streetscape, Smet Building Products Ltd demonstrates best-practice in construction partnerships.