Cathcart Square, Greenock, Scotland

Landscapes and Contracts Ltd / Streetscape® High Strength Bedding Concrete / Streetscape® Priming Slurry / Streetscape® Rapid Set Jointing Mortar
Job: Cathcart Square, Greenock, Scotland
Client: Landscapes & Contracts Ltd
Main Contractor: Landscapes & Contracts Ltd

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Landscapes & Contracts Ltd continued the ongoing refurbishment of this well-known historical landmark in Greenock, Scotland. The 1,500 m2 Streetscape hard landscaping, which had to tie in sympathetically with the existing improvements, is part of the overall £300,000 refurbishment investment by Inverclyde Council, Riverside Inverclyde and Scottish Water.  SMET supplied quality BS 7533 compliant Streetscape mortars, a superior level of customer focus, site expertise and aftercare to install the natural granite stone paving on time and within budget.