Lidl Store Refurbishment, Enniskillen

CASEA bauprotec 850 M / PJ Treacy Building & Sons Ltd


Job: Lidl Store Refurbishment, Enniskillen
Smet Supported Partner:
PJ Treacy Building & Sons Ltd
SMET Product: Bauprotec 850 M – Lime Cement Render

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Bauprotec 850 M Render was selected for the refurbishment, of the existing Lidl store located in Enniskillen.  Smet Supported Partner, PJ Treacy Building & Sons Ltd, spray applied the Lightweight CE marked Lime Cement Render, produced to EN 998-1: 2003, internally and to the external facade.  Bauprotec 850 M is manufactured from a controlled blend of selected aggregates, lightweight aggregates, cement, polymers, fibres and other components to give a high-quality weather resistant rendering product which is suitable for use in external rendering and internal plastering. The product’s special composition allows the product to breathe and also permits constant hygrometric exchange between the substrate and the environment.  The special render properties; light weight, low thermal conductivity, high yield and superior technical back up provided from Smet to their Supported Partners, were the key factors in choosing Smet Building Products as the provider in delivering CASEAs high-quality product.