Sopro HF-S 563 High-Strength Floor Levelling Compound

A heavy-duty, rapid-set, cementitious floor-levelling compound | extremely high compressive strength | flexural tensile strength, | abrasion resistance.

Heavy-duty, flow-applied, rapid-set, cementitious floor-levelling compound for creation of smooth, unbroken surfaces in residential, commercial and industrial facilities.  Excellent workability and hardened mortar properties thanks to Sopro Mikrodur® technology.  Low-chromate to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex XVII.

Floor-levelling compound for creation of smooth, unbroken, finished floor surfaces both indoors and outdoors, e.g. in workshops, factory halls, storerooms, garages, basements, cellars etc. Outdoors, Sopro HF-S 563 is only suitable for production of finished surfaces when used in conjunction with SoproDur® HF-L 513 high-strength epoxy protective coat and silica sand (for adequate slip resistance).

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Benefits of Sopro HF-S 563 High-Strength Floor Levelling Compound

■ Heavy-duty
■ Self-levelling
■ Rapid-setting
■ Pumpable
■ Suitable for floor heating systems
■ EMICODE system of GEV (German Association for Control of Emissions in Products for Flooring Installation): EC1PLUS (“very-low-emission-plus”) rating n DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council): Top quality level 4, Line 8 2)
■ For indoor and outdoor use

Technical Details for Sopro HF-S 563 High-Strength Floor Levelling Compound

Coat Thickness 4 – 40 mm; for thickness upwards of 10 mm, may be extended by up to 1/3 of prepared compound volume using 0 – 4 mm or 0 – 8 mm graded silica sand
Mixing Ratio (water only) 4.5 – 5.0 ltr water: 25 kg Sopro HF-S 563; ensure the exact water proportioning.
Flow Table Value 24.0 – 25.0 cm (Vicat ring to DIN 1164; size: internal diameter 65 mm at top and 75 mm at the bottom, height 40 mm; on suitable, dry, clean glass plate)
Pot Life 30 – 40 minutes; stiffened mortar must not be retempered by addition of water or fresh mortar to restore workability.
Walkable After 2-3 hours.
Coverage Approx. 1.7 kg/m² per mm coat thickness
Ready to Recieve Floor Covering/Fully Loadable Ready to receive ceramics and cast stone after 2 – 3 hours; natural stone after 24 hours. For elastic, textile, laminate, parquet and wood block floor coverings, maximum permissible moisture content (≤ 1.8% CM) shall be confirmed by CM measurement over full screed crosssection prior to flooring installation. Empirical values for achievement of this – in function of filler coat thickness, subject to application to dry substrate – are as follows:

– Up to 4 mm coat thickness: after approx. 1 day
– 4 – 10 mm coat thickness: after approx. 3 – 4 days
– 10 – 40 mm coat thickness: after approx. 5 – 9 days

Abrasion Resistance From min. 8 mm coat thickness, able to accommodate loads from lift stackers; suitable for pneumatic- and solid-rubber-tyred vehicles (industrial trucks); castor chair resistance: suitable (for castors to EN 12 529) upwards of min. 4 mm coat thickness
Specified Times Apply for normal temperature range of +23°C and 50% relative humidity; higher temperatures shorten and lower temperatures lengthen these times.
Application Temperature Between +5 °C and +25 °C
UFH Suitable
Tools and Cleaning Mixing attachment, squeegee, finishing trowel, mixing pump, spiked roller; wash tools with water immediately after use.
Test Reports Available on request

Available in 25kg Bags.